
Thursday Feb 04, 2016
LIP 023: No Limits with Best-Selling Author Susan Sherbert
Thursday Feb 04, 2016
Thursday Feb 04, 2016
How many of you are living in fear? Do you think that you are not strong enough to do something? Do you think that you are not good enough to do something? On this episode, you will hear best-selling author, Susan Sherbert, share why she thinks the we need to get back to thinking like a child. You will hear valuable steps that you can immediately apply to have a new perspective on life. Are your fearful? Or are you fearless? What you say is what you become.

Thursday Jan 28, 2016
LIP 022: Self Worth with Laura Spragg
Thursday Jan 28, 2016
Thursday Jan 28, 2016
It's so easy to get caught up in the lie of thinking you are not good enough. I've been there and believed that lie for far too long. What makes us worthy in the first place, right? On this episode, I give my own tips on how I learned to increase my self worth. It may surprise you, but it's easier than you think. If you have already decided you want to conquer depression than this episode is for you. Remember, if you don't take care of you, you will soon have nothing left to give. What you say is what you become.

Wednesday Jan 20, 2016
LIP 021: There are No Obstacles Steven Aitchison
Wednesday Jan 20, 2016
Wednesday Jan 20, 2016
Are you feeling unworthy or that you don't deserve to be happy? I used to feel that way, until I learned that it was my belief system that caused me to feel this way. On this episode, with Global Thought Leader, Author, Speaker and Business Coach, Steven Aitchison, you will hear how positive affirmations can transform your belief system. He shares his own personal experiences of how he has been able to go from "I can't to I can". Find out now why the more you practice positive affirmations, you can live a happier and more successful life. Steven's perspective, "There are no obstacles." If you are struggling with your own belief system, this episode is for you. And as always, "What you say is what you become."

Thursday Dec 31, 2015
LIP 020: Lies, Love and Passion! with Laura Spragg
Thursday Dec 31, 2015
Thursday Dec 31, 2015
Have you ever found yourself feeling guilty for something you didn't
even do? Better yet, do you feel guilty for something that happened to
you? That's probably false guilt you are feeling. On this episode, you
will hear a few simple action steps that you can take to recognize the
false guilt and start living with passion. Often times, false guilt
eats at you the same way true guilt does. When false guilt is
suppressed, you experience stress more, have higher anxiety and often
times suffer with depression. It's time for you to take back your life,
Lose the Guilt, Love Yourself and Live with Passion. Ask yourself, why
do you feel guilty?? Remember, what you say is what you become.

Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
LIP 019: Be Brave with Jamie Vrinios
Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
Often times I hear people say, "I'm waiting for a SIGN from God to confirm what I'm supposed to do." Have you ever said this before? On this Episode with Best Selling Author of "Warrior Magnificent", Jamie Vrinios, give's us the exact formula to stop ALL doubt and conquer fear. Jamie shares with us some of her most vulnerable moments and how she over came them with FAITH and ACTION. It's about recognizing that your mind is a battle field and YOU can have confidence in God and be a "Warrior Magnificent". We love having Jamie on the show, who lives a Life In Purple. What you say is what you become.

Thursday Dec 17, 2015
LIP 018: Will Power with Laura Spragg
Thursday Dec 17, 2015
Thursday Dec 17, 2015
Have you ever found yourself thinking you can do more in life? I believe that's a sign that you should be practicing your "will power". Your "will power" has a muscle memory which comes from the unconscious process. On this episode, you will discover that even your negative thoughts have a muscle memory and will learn how to create new positive muscle memories by practicing your "will power". It's time to take charge and go after your dreams. What you say is what you become.

Thursday Dec 10, 2015
LIP 017: Emotional triggers Laura Spragg
Thursday Dec 10, 2015
Thursday Dec 10, 2015
How many of you are suffering with depression or anxiety? Well, I've been there; I have suffered with both. Depression is real. Anxiety is real. There is hope. On this Episode, I briefly discuss four triggers that I had to stay away from to begin my journey of good mental health. I highly suggest you listen so that maybe you can define your own triggers and begin your own journey to conquer depression and anxiety. The very first step to making changes and even overcoming life's obstacles is first deciding to do so. You will hear simple valuable steps that you can take to start your journey of mental health. And as always, "What you say is what you become."

Tuesday Dec 01, 2015
LIP 016: Don't Go It Alone Stephen Shedletzky
Tuesday Dec 01, 2015
Tuesday Dec 01, 2015
Do you struggle with defining your "Why"? Maybe you don't know how to put it in words.... On this Episode, Stephen Shedletzky shares valuable actions steps that you can take to help discover and define your "Why". Often times we find ourselves just "feeling" why we should do something; but you will clearly understand how to articulate your reason to live, your "why", when you put to practice what you hear on this episode. Stephen shares how he learned to "Show up to improve instead of to prove". He really does live a Life in Purple. Stop struggling and stop making excuses. What you say is What you become.

Tuesday Nov 24, 2015
LIP 015: How to be a Story Changer Jessica Phillips
Tuesday Nov 24, 2015
Tuesday Nov 24, 2015
Have you every wanted to throw in the towel and quit? How long did you give yourself before wanting too? On this episode with Jessica Phillips, you will hear her story of vision, perseverance and patience. Jessica shares valuable tips and actions steps for you to take when you feel like giving up. Once Moringa for Many, her now non profit is growing and it's new name is Story Changers. Listen to her inspirational story of how she conquered the negative voice from "I can't" to "I CAN" changing stories in Africa. What you say is what you become.

Tuesday Nov 17, 2015
LIP 014: Never Give Up Dannon Byrd
Tuesday Nov 17, 2015
Tuesday Nov 17, 2015
Premature births happen more often than we think. In fact, it's more so now than ever. Have you had a premature birth or know someone who has? In this Episode with Dannon Byrd you will hear her story of overcoming "the worst news you could possibly hear while being pregnant". She shares her vulnerability and faith and spreads a message of hope to "Never give up." Once a successful Career woman, Dannon now works with the March of Dimes to help spread Premature Awareness. She truly lives a Life in Purple. What you say is what you become.