
Thursday Apr 14, 2016
LIP 033: Let Yourself Feel to Heal with Dr. Michael Brant DeMaria
Thursday Apr 14, 2016
Thursday Apr 14, 2016
It is often thought that if you share your feelings it is a sign of weakness; especially if you are sad about something or you fear something. On this episode, Dr. Michael Brant DeMaria, shares why a person should meditate and its benefits along with helping raise awareness for people who are struggling with suicidal thoughts. Suicide is on the rise and the best way to start helping others who are suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts is to let people feel. Listen now to learn how to be in the moment, help others, and love yourself. What you say is what you become.

Thursday Apr 07, 2016
LIP 032: The Waiting Game with Laura Spragg
Thursday Apr 07, 2016
Thursday Apr 07, 2016
Waiting can be so difficult and it definitely can have its toll on your emotions. So how does one wait? On this Episode, you will hear my unique perspective on how each birth order can actively wait. Most of the time, if not all the time, we aren't living in the moment when we are waiting for some "big news". My theory, not everyone learns the same way, so not everyone will actively wait the same way. Find out now how you can change your perspective on "The Waiting Game." What you say is what you become.

Thursday Mar 31, 2016
LIP 031: The Power of the Mind with Meir Ezra
Thursday Mar 31, 2016
Thursday Mar 31, 2016
"Work smarter and not harder." We hear this all the time; and yet this statement appeals to so many, but really lack the understanding on just how to do that. Most of us are trying to figure out the smarter part. On this Episode: Global Thought Leader, International Speaker and Coach, Meir Ezra, gives us simple yet profound tips on how to be. You will learn his philosophy on how to validate things and also understand what the mind really is. If you knew that you could conquer anything, what would you do? Meir has a huge passion to help others become more successful and teaches them how to work smarter and not harder. He really has mastered having a positive mindset. Listen now to hear how Meir lives a Life In Purple. What you say is what you become.

Thursday Mar 24, 2016
LIP 030: Post Traumatic Growth with Laura Spragg
Thursday Mar 24, 2016
Thursday Mar 24, 2016
Do you know someone with PTSD? In the last couple years, I have learned the importance of "Everything has an opposite". The opposite of a negative mindset is a positive mindset. The opposite of being sad is being happy. This may seem like pointless information, but on this episode you will discover that even Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has an opposite. Surprisingly enough, military people aren't the only ones to suffer with PTSD. In fact, you will find out exactly who is effected by this disorder and how people can conquer it. This episode is to help raise awareness for a positive outlook for people who have experienced trauma. You just might discover that "SUPER HERO" like powers are right in front of you. Join the movement: What you say is what you become.

Thursday Mar 17, 2016
LIP 029: Never Stop Dreaming with Marketing and Branding Expert Lisa Caprelli
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Thursday Mar 17, 2016

Thursday Mar 10, 2016
LIP 028: Get Real with Dr. Patrice Carter
Thursday Mar 10, 2016
Thursday Mar 10, 2016
Are you struggling to make peace with your past? Do you have suicidal thoughts? On this episode, Motivational Speaker, Author and Life Coach, Dr. Patrice Carter shares valuable tips on how to confront your past and conquer depression. She is the author of "SUPERb Woman: From Bad Girl to God's girl", inspiring others to to stop living in darkness and to seek help and seek truth. Nobody is ruined. Dr. Carter encourages others to have personal integrity and to "Get Real" with yourself and God. She really does live a Life In Purple. What you say is what you become.

Thursday Mar 03, 2016
LIP 027: Are You Grateful? with Laura Spragg
Thursday Mar 03, 2016
Thursday Mar 03, 2016
Do you find it difficult to receive a compliment? Has it been a while since you smiled? On this episode, I share a few tips that I learned, that can help you be more grateful, receive compliments, and maybe even smile a little more often. This information isn't rocket science or new information; but I believe, with a little practice, these action steps will also help you lower your anxiety and even improve your self esteem. Find out now, how being grateful affects the mind and body. It really is the small things in life that matter. What you say is what you become.

Thursday Feb 25, 2016
LIP 026: Build a Legacy With Kania Burnette
Thursday Feb 25, 2016
Thursday Feb 25, 2016
Have you ever felt like something is wrong with you? Do you feel like you deserve to suffer? On this episode you will hear, Entrepreneur, Chef and Motivational Speaker, Kania Burnette, share her story of struggles and how she thought "there must be something wrong with me". From being overworked to overcoming partial paralysis, depression, two miscarriages, and divorce, Kania shares her tips for success and how she stays focused on her "Why". You will both cry and laugh with her as you listen to her inspirational story. What you say is what you become.

Thursday Feb 18, 2016
LIP 025: Keep Your Love On with Danny Lee Silk
Thursday Feb 18, 2016
Thursday Feb 18, 2016
Have you ever felt unloved by your spouse?? Do you, sometimes, find it difficult to even love your kids? On this episode international speaker, coach and author, Danny Lee Silk shares from his own experience, valuable action steps to love on purpose. Danny teaches people that love is about connecting with one another instead of controlling one another. If you are facing difficulties in any relationship, whether it's with your spouse, kids or friends this episode is for you. Danny Lee Silk truly lives a Life In Purple. What you say is what you become.

Thursday Feb 11, 2016
LIP 024: Choose Courage with Faith Conaway
Thursday Feb 11, 2016
Thursday Feb 11, 2016
***Please read: The information you are going to hear is in light of Faith's story and her personal experience. This should not be considered applicable to all situations. The point to take away is this: No matter your situation, have the courage to take action. The best thing is to notice the warning signs early and seek help. There are loving people who desire to help all parties towards positive outcomes. Faith currently works closely with "The Choose Courage Foundation", offering services and support to the victims of domestic abuse.