
Friday Feb 17, 2017
LIP 073: Listening to the Wisdom Inside You with Bonnie Silver
Friday Feb 17, 2017
Friday Feb 17, 2017
Have you ever made a decision and later found out you should have went with your gut, or first answer? Maybe you just said this very thing, today... On this episode, Bonnie Silver shares how she listened to her intuition and made quite the lifestyle change, including overcoming her addiction to Diet Coke. Bonnie gives simple success tips to help you face your insecurities and start listening to your inner voice. She loves helping others find the confidence to live a happy and healthy life. As one of the Best Selling Author's of "Unbreakable Spirit, Rising above the Impossible," Bonnie certainly knows how to live a Life In Purple. What you say is what you become.

Friday Feb 10, 2017
LIP 072: Styling Beauty on the Inside with Karine Reeve
Friday Feb 10, 2017
Friday Feb 10, 2017
What happens when you think you hit rock bottom? Do you explode or break? On this episode, regardless of your answer, Karine Reeve may offer the necessary steps to help you climb your way back up. Karine is a Transformational Wellness coach that knows how to identify with people and meets them in their belief system. She offers hope to those who think that positive affirmations don't work. Listen now to find out what might be missing from your routine that could truly lead to healing. Karine lives a marvelous Life In Purple. What you say is what you become.

Friday Feb 03, 2017
LIP 071: Healing From the Inside Out with Melanie Angelis
Friday Feb 03, 2017
Friday Feb 03, 2017
Have you ever felt like that there was more to life? How many of you have been diagnosed with something and then determined to not let it consume your life? Was it cancer? Heart disease? Depression? On this episode, Holistic Practitioner, Melanie Angelis shares her story of how she was diagnosed with multiple things, including a heart condition and how she was able to reverse all of her symptoms. Melanie believes that you truly can heal from the inside out. Find out now how you can live a healthier life, including: mentally, spiritually, and physically. She lives out loud a Life In Purple. What you say is what you become.

Friday Jan 27, 2017
LIP 070: Finding Who You are with Alyssa Gavinski
Friday Jan 27, 2017
Friday Jan 27, 2017
What would it look like if you followed your dreams of starting your own business, or writing a book and there was zero competition? On this episode, Alyssa Gavinski shares her passion and vulnerability of how she struggled with her own identity but decided to fall into her calling anyway. Alyssa gives specific action steps for anyone looking to reboot and take charge of their lives. She's a wife, mom, entrepreneur, and advocate in helping people fall in love with their own brand. Alyssa lives a beautiful Life In Purple. What you say is what you become.

Friday Dec 30, 2016
LIP 069: On the Other Side of Grief with Megan Brantley
Friday Dec 30, 2016
Friday Dec 30, 2016
In those moments when you feel like you have done everything you could, but you still don't see light at the end of the tunnel, what do you do? Do you give up or do you release control of the situation? On this episode, Megan Brantley shares an intimate part of her soul of how she almost gave up, but instead released control. Her story is of grieving the loss of a child and experiencing joy after all. Find out now how Megan overcame self doubt and false guilt. Megan is triumphantly living a Life In Purple. What you say is what you become.

Friday Dec 23, 2016
LIP 068: Facing the Shadows with Megan Gifford
Friday Dec 23, 2016
Friday Dec 23, 2016
Have you ever gone through life and you can't shake this feeling like you're missing something?? On this episode, Megan Gifford shares her story of just that; something deep inside her told her that her fathers death was no an accident. Listen now to find out how Megan discovered how her father really died and the many other obstacles that she has faced and overcome. She encourages others to embrace their feelings and always have a positive perspective. Megan lives a brave Life In Purple. What you say is what you become.

Friday Dec 16, 2016
LIP 067: To Hell and Back with Angela D'Alessandro
Friday Dec 16, 2016
Friday Dec 16, 2016
When life's circumstances seem like they are sucking the life out of you, what do you do? Do you give up or do you fight? On this episode, Angela D'Alessandro shares her story of how she fought for her life. Sexual abuse, rape, alcoholism and low self esteem tried to bring Angela down, but at the end of the fight, she took back her life and has a passion to help others overcome their past. Listen now to Angela's story and how she became an entrepreneur, philanthropist and advocate for this taboo topic. She is living a beautiful Life In Purple. What you say is what you become.

Friday Dec 09, 2016
LIP 066: Crying Alone with P. Allen Jones
Friday Dec 09, 2016
Friday Dec 09, 2016
How many of you are living in pain, but on the outside you look like nothing is wrong? Many of us can probably relate to this at some level. On this episode, P. Allen Jones, author of "I Only Cry At Night", shares her unique and difficult journey of living with Sickle Cell disease. Once told she was only going to live until 30, she has beaten the odds of this painful disease and is now raising awareness for the countless people who also cry alone. Find out now how P. Allen Jones is living a Life In Purple. What you say is what you become.

Friday Dec 02, 2016
LIP 065: Breaking Chains with Tara Neal
Friday Dec 02, 2016
Friday Dec 02, 2016
Have you ever been addicted to something? Are you struggling with thinking that you've gone too far and it would be pointless to turn your life around now? On this episode, Tara Neal, shares her story of how she got involved in the entertainment industry, at such a young age; AND how she climbed her way out. Even though her struggles were difficult to overcome, she fought her way to conquer the lies and fear of her own self worth. Once addicted to money and drugs, Tara now has a successful career, thriving as a wife and mother. Her story is truly beauty in brokenness, and is now living a Life In Purple. What you say is what you become.

Friday Nov 25, 2016
LIP 064: Unlimited Possibilities when You Believe with Shad Helmstetter
Friday Nov 25, 2016
Friday Nov 25, 2016
Do you feel like no matter what you do, you can't seem to get ahead? Does it seem like you never have "good luck"? What if the answer to these questions happens to be in the way you talk to yourself? On this episode, Dr. Shad Helmstetter, one of the greatest minds of our time, shares in detail how to get rid of negative self talk, replace old programmings and how the brain can continue to rewire itself until the day you die. Dr. Helmstetter is the author of several books, including, "What to Say When You Talk to Yourself" and his newest book "The Power of Neuroplasticity". Listen now for simple, yet profound tips on living a happy, successful life. He is definitely leading the way of living a Life In Purple. What you say is what you become.